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"If you know at least 20 different ways to breathe, you have more choices for meeting the moment with resilient grace."

“Jamie's workshops have felt spacious, light, tender and kind. I feel wholeheartedly nourished and closer to myself through his work. There is always something new I understand. I return home inspired and curious.” – Clarissa, Artist and Teacher

Bringing Spirit into Form: Breath & Sound as Portals
into Nature Within and Without

Postponed due to COVID-19; please contact us for 2021 dates

Toulouse, France May 29-31, 2020

Registration details here

Breath is the primary mover of the body; vocalization is breath vibrated and expressed; and movement is breath made visible. These three elements create permeability in our structure and in our state of mind so we can enter a more fluid relationship with life within and without.

In the workshop, we will explore a progressive series of breath and vocalization resources (sourced from Continuum, Taoist medicine, and other traditions) to awaken our senses, soften our minds and fortify our hearts. Alternating movement and stillness, sound and silence, and expression and impression, we journey inside the studio and out in nature to open up new ways of sensing and perceiving, and to deepen our relationship with the inner and outer landscapes.

“Bringing Spirit into Form” has been shared with groups around the world for the past 15 years, and has been of particular interest to yoga, dance, and movement teachers as well as artists and people on the path of creative embodiment.